Our Impact

A common side effect of many cancers is sexual dysfunction. After Cancer has created an implementation framework to give structure and guidance to healthcare professionals as it relates to what patients need to know and expect from their cancer care teams. Our workshop attendees are members of the patient care team who discuss side effects with patients or quality of life concerns, including nurses, social workers, Advanced Practice Providers, navigators, radiation and physical therapists, and mental health therapists.


APP Sexual Health Specialist Training Program

The Sexual Health Specialist training course for Advanced Practice Providers is designed to empower APPs to address and screen for sexual health side effects caused by cancer or its treatment. This course will provide the communications skills needed to normalize the conversation, gather patient information, set expectations, evaluate common concerns, treat what’s possible, and refer to other specialists timely. The 14.25-hour accredited course also provides a library of educational handouts for your patients to assist in navigating the challenges related to intimacy. To provide all-encompassing care for your patients and to view a list of presentation titles and presenter names, select “Begin Your Journey” to enroll in the Sexual Health Specialist course, or select “Request More Information” to receive a call about additional After Cancer Services.

APP Sexual Health Specialist Training Program
After Cancer Finding Intimacy Again

Patients benefit when their providers normalize the conversation, set expectations, evaluate and treat common concerns.


30 Second Message Workshop

90-minute workshop to help providers develop a 30-second message to deliver to patients to normalize the conversation, save a space for patient’s questions or concerns at a later time, or simply refer patients to an APP, with Sexual Health Specialist training, in your clinic. An After Cancer patient brochure related to sexual health and cancer is also included in the workshop and used as a communication aid in delivering the 30-Second Message. The 90-minute workshop is designed for up to 8 participants and can be customized to your specific patient populations. The cost of the workshop includes pre-workshop materials and a follow-up call with attendees within 30 days of the workshop. Also included in the workshop is access the After Cancer library of educational materials to assist your patients in navigating the challenges related to sexual health and intimacy.